Stop scrolling and look at me 😄

Leaning on social media trends and organic content, we craft videos that stop people from scrolling past our spots. Here are some examples that I also directed.

OOH Board: Chicago McDonald’s

Chicago has amazing artist and murals that speak to the pride people have for their city. McDonald’s is headquartered in Chicago and this board is located across the street from their flagship restaurant. We wanted to showcase their love for the community by teaming up with local artist to create pieces of art, rather than ads.

The first piece was a concept that I illustrated and was intended to be handed off to a local Chicago artist, however the team and client loved it so much we ran with it. It proved to be successful, so for the next two rounds we teamed up with JC Rivera aka The Bear Champ and then with Kayla Mahaffey.

Let’s speak to gamers on Twitch. There are many genres of games/gaming out there so we found a way to speak to to everyone across all generations. Respect to the classics!

Various other work.

Gilroy Garlic Fries